Design for everyone

Design for everyone

In recent months, numerous trends in the field of home furnishings and design have taken hold, moving towards new directions that aim to mix in a single vision the different generations that have brought design to how we know it today. Among these, aquatic architecture stands out: the enchantment of water, fish and underwater nature is transforming homes. The charm of aquatic vegetation will give a scenographic touch to domestic environments, and there is nothing better than the right touch of light to leave the stage to our animal friends.

In the kitchen, meanwhile, there is an increasingly tendency to leave minimalist aesthetics behind, giving way to second-hand objects, vintage appliances and bright colours, for a more personal and original touch. In fact, we are witnessing the rise of the typical café style, with chalkboards, bar-style decorations and eye-catching accessories. Between aquariums and cafes, the right light will give the needed touch.